DATE OF BIRTH : 13/01/1956
NEW DELHI – 110058 (INDIA)
PHONE NO: 25524951
Mobile No. 9818536670, 9810398765
(Certificate in Yoga Education) MANTALAI, J & K, INDIA
1981 -1986 Ph.D. Research Scholar
This was a five year training and research program conducted in the Department of Psychiatry, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (P.G.I.M.E.R.) Chandigarh, India, which is also designated as one of W.H.O. collaborative centre for research and training in mental health.
The training program for PhD included courses in general and clinical psychology, psychotherapy, psychodynamics and research methodology. Practical training included skills in clinical interviewing of children, adolescents and adults, administration and assessment of psychological tests to evaluate intelligence, personality and psychodynamics for purpose of counseling and psychological therapies.
Title of the Ph.D. thesis ‘The Efficacy of Yogic Techniques in the Treatment of Psychoneurosis’
The research involved a comparative study of effectiveness of THREE treatment modalities i.e., Yoga, Yogic Relaxation and Drugs in adult anxiety neurotics and neurotic depression subjects. A comparison of outcome within each treatment as well as between treatments was done using multiple outcome criteria. Results have been published in indexed scientific journals.
I worked towards developing and conducting five research projects, which were sponsored by the Indian council of Medical Research (I.C.M.R.) and UGC.
1)4.12.1985-28.2.1989:“Role of Yoga in Psychogenic Headache” involved a comparative study of two treatment modalities in psychogenic headache, conducted in Dept. of Psychiatry and Dept. of Neurology. P.G.I.M.E.R. Chandigarh. I worked as SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW.
2)4.12.1986-1989: “ Effect Of Yoga On The Mental Health Of Nurses” dealt with identification and management of problems of BURN OUT in organizational settings, conducted in dept. of Psychiatry and Nursing Services. P.G.I.M.E.R. Chandigarh.
I worked as a CO-INVESTIGATOR.
3)1992-1995:“Role Of Yoga In Treatment Of Essential Hypertension” conducted in dept. of
Psychiatry and dept. of Cardiology was a comparative study of yoga, pharmacological treatment, relaxation. P.G.I.M.E.R. Chandigarh. Designed and planned the project
4)1994-1995 “Hypertension- A Comparison of Different Treatment Modalities”. Conducted in the Dept of Applied Psychology, University of Delhi South Campus. This was funded by the UGC. Designed and planned the project.
5.) 1 APRIL 2014 – APRIL 2017: “Effect of Counseling with Yoga based Stress
Management on the Clinical Pregnancy Rates and Uterine artery flow
Parameters in Women Undergoing Assisted Reproduction” conducted at the IVF
& Reproductive Biology Centre, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maulana
Azad Medical College & Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi.
6.) 16 OCTOBER 2018- JUNE 2021 “Impact of Behavioral Intervention Package On
the Health Status of Married Abused Pregnant Women aged 15-45 years
attending the antenatal clinic of LNJP Hospital, New Delhi –A randomized
controlled trial” Conducted under National Institute of Health and Family Welfare.
Sponsored Indian Council of Medical Research Working as RESEARCH ASSOCIATE.
Title of Project Designation Institution Period
1 Cognitive Dysfunction Guide for I.P.College for Completed in
in depression BA (H)Project women, May 2000
Univ.of Delhi.
1 Burn Out and Its Guide for Applied Psychology Completed in Correlates-A Compa- M.Phil Unit, May 1993
rative Study of Project Univ. of Delhi,
Govt. & Private South Campus,
Hospitals New Delhi
2. Clinical Profile of Guide for -do- Completed in patients before and M.A. Psych. March, 1992
after Yoga Therapy an project.
exploratory stud
3. Treatment Acceptance Guide for -do- Completed in pattern in Psychiatry M.A. Project March 1993 O.P.D. in General
Hospital Setting
4. A Comparative Study Guide for -do- Completed in
of Guilt Feelings M.A. Project March 1993
and Family Relationship
in O.C.D. and Depression
23.11.1989 TO 19.12 .1989: LECTURER IN PSYCHOLOGY, UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL Zakir Hussain College of University of Delhi. Subjects taught included general psychology, social psychology,
16.01.1990 TO 26.03 .1990 :LECTURER IN PSYCHOLOGY, UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL Indraprastha College for Women of University of Delhi. Subjects taught included general psychology, statistics and clinical psychology
17 APR 1990 TO 7 JUNE 1993: LECTURER IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, SOUTH CAMPUS, POSTGRADUATE LEVEL. This job involved teaching theory and practical training to the post graduate students. Courses taught included general psychology, personality dynamics, research methods, Physiological psychology and specialization papers in clinical psychology. Practical training was given in administration of aptitude and intelligence tests as well as various clinical tests for assessment of psychopathology. During this period, I also guided research projects for 4 postgraduate students.
19 OCT 95 TO 22 NOV 95: LECTURER, PSYCHOLOGY at GARGI COLLEGE, University of Delhi. Subject taught included research method, social psychology, clinical and general psychology to BA (Hons & Pass) classes.
13 SEPT 99 TO 23 DEC 1999 : LECTURER, PSYCHOLOGY at I.P.College for women, University of Delhi. Subjects taught included clinical psychology, general psychology, statistics, and general experiments to BA (Hons and Pass) classes.
10 JAN 2000 TO 15 MAY 2000 : LECTURER, PSYCHOLOGY at I.P.College for women, University of Delhi. Subjects taught included clinical psychology, general psychology, statistics, and general experiments to BA (Hons and Pass) classes.
26 JULY 2000 TO 7 SEPT 2000: LECTURER, PSYCHOLOGY at Jesus & Mary College, University of Delhi . Subjects taught included general psychology, experiments, statistics to BA (Hons & Pass).
15 OCT 2001 TO APR 2002: LECTURER, PSYCHOLOGY at UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, SOUTH CAMPUS. Teaching foundations in psychology, statistics, research design to MA classes.
20 OCT 2003 –DEC 2003 : LECTURER, PSYCHOLOGY at Kamla Nehru College, University of Delhi . Subjects taught included general psychology, experiments, developmental psychology to BA (Hons & Pass).
15 JAN 2004 – 16 MAR 2004: LECTURER, PSYCHOLOGY at Aditi Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi . Subjects taught included general psychology, experiments, statistics to BA (Hons & Pass).
21 JUL2004 -10 AUG 2004: LECTURER, PSYCHOLOGY at Lady Sri Ram College, University of Delhi . Subjects taught included counselling psychology, experiments, statistics to BA (Hons & Pass).
10 AUG 2004-20 JAN2005: LECTURER, PSYCHOLOGY at Kamla Nehru College, University of Delhi . Subjects taught included general psychology, clinical psychology , statistics to BA (Hons & Pass).
01 Nov 2020 Till Date : GUEST FACLULTY at IILM University ,Gurugram Campus
(BA & MA Psychology. Class )
7 JUNE 2001- Till Date : Consultant Clinical Psychologist,
Mata Chanan Devi Hospital ,C-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi 110058.
1 APRIL 2010 – Till Date : Infertility Counsellor
AKAKSHA IVF Center , Janakpuri , New Delhi
8 JULY 2003 to 31 MARCH 2010 : Senior Counsellor ,
Delhi Public School, Dwarka ,New Delhi.
The main work was dealing with emotional problems of students, conducting life skill
education workshops and sensitizing the teachers to adolescent issues and concerns.
AUG 1990 to APR 1993 : Clincal Psychologist (HONORARY)
I played a key role in starting the Counseling and Psychological Services Centre at the
University of Delhi, South Campus in Aug 1990. This centre provided free diagnostic
and treatment facilities for psychiatric patients, including children, adolescents and
It provided an eclectic treatment approach based on the Western psychotherapeutic
paradigms as well as methods derived from yoga. Students of MA Clinical Psychology
were placed for training as well.
1. European Society Of Human Reproduction & Embryology
( ESHRE –17-00739 )
2. Indian Fertility Society ( IFS -1418 )
3. Rehabilitaion Council Of India ( RCI / A04065 )
4.Behavioural Medicine Society -Life Member since 1992
1)Prabhakar, S., Chopra, J.S..; Verma, S.K.; Grover, P.
“Yoga and Psychogenic Headache”. Read at XIVth International Congress of Neurology held in New Delhi, Oct 1989.
2)Nayar, P.: Speaker “Consent and Counseling in Infertility Treatment” in the 22nd International Federation of Fertility Societies – World Congress, 21st – 25th September 2016. New Delhi .
3)Nayar P: Oral paper presented “Psychological distress of women with primary ovarian insufficiency: effect of counselling training for clinician” in 33rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE 2017 (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) held in Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd – 5th July 2017.
4)Nayar P: Poster presented “Can Yoga Effect IVF outcome?” at American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM 2017) Scientific Congress & Expo in San Antonio, Texas, USA , 28th Oct – 1st Nov, 2017.
5)Nayar P: Poster presentation “Yoga as an adjuvant to enhance the outcome of IVF treatment” in 34rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE 2018 (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology). Barcelona, Spain, 2nd – 4th July 2018.
6)Nayar P: Poster presentation “Prevalence of psychological distress in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) infertile patients and non PCOS infertile controls and their relationship with clinical-biochemical parameters of the syndrome” in 35th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 2019 (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology). Vienna, Austria 23rd -26th June 2019.
7)Nayar K.D., Nayar, P. et al Poster “Assessment of Psychological Distress In Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Infertile Patients At A Tertiary Level Infertility Care Centre In India” ASRM 2019 Scientific Congress & Expo in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , USA. 16th to 20th October, 2019
1.Grover, P.; Verma, V.K.; Pershad D.; Verma, S.K.
“Construction of a scale for the measurement of attitude to yoga” Read at 35th Annual
Conference of Indian Psychiatric society, KEM. Medical College, Bombay. January 1983.
2.Grover, P., Verma V.K.; Pershad D.; Verma S.K.
“Role of Yoga in the Treatment of Psychoneourosis.Comparision of Anxiety Neurosis and Neurotic Depression”. Read at 2nd Annual Conference of Indian Association of Social Psychiatry, Dept. of Psychiatry, P.G.I.M.E.R. Chandigarh, March, 1986.
3.Grover, P.; Verma, V.K. and Pershad, D.
“Role of Yoga in the Treatment of Psychoneourosis”. Read at 38th annual conference of
Neurological Society of India, PGIMR Chandigarh, December, 1988.
4.Prabhakar, S. Verma, S.K.; Grover,P.; Chopra, J.S.
“Role of Yoga in the Treatment of Psychogenic Headache”, Read at 38th Annual conference of Neurological society of India, PGIMER, Chandigarh, December, 1988.
5.Walia, I.; Verma. S.K.; Earnest, C.; Sanjeev,; Grover, P. Mehra, P. and Vandana . “Yoga and Stress Management in Nurses”, Read at DEI-UGC National Seminar
on Stress Management., Agra 11 – 13 March 1989.
6.Walia, I.; Verma, S.K., Sanjeev,; Grover, P., Earnest, C. and Mehra, P.
“Health of Nurses”. Read at Nursing Research Update, PGIMER, Chandigarh,
18-20Feb, 1988.
7.Walia, I.; Mehra, P.; Earnest, C.; Verma S.K.; Grover, P. Sanjeev,; Vandana
Gupta and Savinder Kaur. Seminar on Depression in Modern Life. Govt. Medical
College, Patiala. Nov. 1989.
8.Grover, P : Speaker “Problems of Youth in Present Time” organized by Womens Studies and Development Center and WUS Health Centre at University of Delhi, South Campus on 17th Dec 1991.
9. Nayar,P.: Summary of the research studies on Yoga conducted at PGIMER Chandigarh from 1980-1995.National Campaign on Yoga and Naturopathy for holistic Health.Organised by Chandigarh Yog Sabha under the CCRYN-AYUSH organization ,at the University of Patiala, Patiala. 27-28th November 2010.
10. Nayar,P.: “Psychological and Developmental Issues in women and the Role of Yoga”. Paper presented at the Re-orientation programme for Women Practitioners, conducted at CCRYN, New Delhi. 10-12th March, 2011
11. Nayar,P.: Speaker “Mind body intervention in infertility” in 8th annual conference of Indian Infertility Society, FERTIVISION 2012, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 7th – 9th December 2012.
12. Nayar,P.: Speaker “Who can be a counsellor” in 8th annual conference of Indian
Infertility Society, FERTIVISION 2012, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 7th – 9th December 2012
13. Nayar,P.; Prasad, S.:” Loss and Distress in infertility treatment and beyond “ Paper read at the 12th Annual National Conference of Indian Fertility Society , FERTIVISION 2016 , Lucknow , U.P. 9-11th December 2016 .
14. Nayar P: Speaker for the session “Psychological problems with PCOS” in PCOS Infertility Summit by Indian Fertility Society held in Chennai. India on 21.05.2017
15. Nayar P: Speaker “on Counselling and Patient Support” in 13th Annual Conference of
Indian Fertility Society & Chairperson for Pre-Congress Workshop in FERTIVISION
2017 held in New Delhi on 8th-10th December 2017
16. Nayar P: Speaker “Should infertility treatment start by reducing stress” in Pre-Congress
Workshop on Counselling and Patient support. 13th Annual Conference of Indian Fertility
Society, FERTIVISION 2017, held in New Delhi, India on 8th-10th December 2017
17. Nayar P: Speaker “Should Yoga be an integral part of infertility treatment “Faculty for Pre-
Congress Workshop on Holistic Medicine (Yoga & Acupuncture) 13th Annual Conference
of Indian Fertility Society. FERTIVISION 2017 held in New Delhi, India on 8-10 th
December 2017
18. Nayar P: Oral presentation “Impact of Counseling Training of Clinicians on Compliance and Outcome” at 13th Annual Conference of Indian Fertility Society.
FERTIVISION 2017 held in New Delhi. India on 8 – 10 December 2017.
19. Nayar P: Paper presented “ Routine Psychosocial during Infertility “ at Workshop on
Counseling the Counselors, Held at Hotel Siddharth,New Delhi ,India in September 2018
20. Nayar P: Speaker “Psychosocial Care During Infertility” in training workshop on ‘Gender-Based Violence and Human Rights for Promoting Women Health under NHM’ , at National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi .India on 29 October -2nd
November 2018.
21. Nayar P: Speaker “Psychosocial Care in Assisted Reproduction” in 14th Annual International Congress of Indian Fertility Society, FERTIVISION 2018 held in Kochi, Kerala, India, 14-16th December 2018.
22. Nayar P: Workshop Chair for Pre Congress Workshop on Patient Counseling and Holistic Medicine, 6.12.2019. 15th Annual International Congress of Indian Fertility Society , FERTIVISION 2019, held in Gurugram, India. 6th – 8th December 2019.
23. Nayar P.: Speaker “ Should Yoga be an integral part of infertility treatment “ .in the 15th Annual International Congress of Indian Fertility Society , FERTIVISION 2019, held in Gurugram, India. 6th – 8th December 2019.
24. Nayar P: Workshop Chair for Pre Congress Workshop on “ Patient Counseling in ART”
In the 16th Annual International Congress of Indian Fertility Society , FERTIVISION 2020 held in Chandigarh on 29th November and 4th – 6th December 2020.
25. Nayar P: Speaker domestic Violence in training workshop on “ Gender-Based Violence
and Human Rights for Promoting women Health under NHM”- , National Institute of
Health and Family Welfare , New Delhi .India on 15th to 17th March 2021 .
1.Grover, P.; Varma V.K. Pershad,; Verma, S.K. (1983). Construction of a scale for the measurement of attitude to yoga. A preliminary report.
Journal of Clinical Psychology. 10.373-378.
2.Grover, P.; Verma, S.K.; Pershad, D. Varma, V.K. (1988) Role of Yoga in the treatment of psychoneourosis. P.G.I. Bulletin. 22 (2) 253.
3.Grover. P.; Verma, S.K.; Pershad, D. VarmaV.K. (1988)
A Manual for PGI Yoga Attitude Scale, Rupa Psycholigial Centre, Varanasi.
4.Kausal, R; Behera, D; Grover.P. (1988); The theory and practice of yoga therapy for nasobronchial allergy. Lung India Vl.2. 108-116.
5.Grover. P; Varma, V.K. Verma.; S.K; Pershad, D. (1989)
Factors influencing treatment acceptance in neurotice patients referred for yoga therapy,
Indian JI. Psychiatry Vol.3 250-257.
6.Grover, P. Varma. S.K. Verma, V.K. (1990):
Drug Addictions, Can Yoga Help.
Disabilities and impairments. Vol.3 (2) 89-97.
7.Walia, I.J. Mehra, P. Grover, P.; Earnest, C. Verma, S.K. Sanjeev (1989) :
Health status of Nurses and Yoga. I, Baseline Date.
The Nursing Journal of India, September Vol.LXXX No.9, Pg 235.
8.Walia, I.J. Mehra, P. Grover, P.; Earnest, C. Verma, S.K.Sanjeev (1989) :
Health status of Nurses and Yoga. II, Subject with and without health problem.
The Nursing Journal of India, October, Vol. LXXXX No.10 Pg 256.
9.Walia, I.J.; Verma, S.K.; Sanjeev: Grover P.; Earnest, C.;
Mehra, P. (1989); The Health Status of Nurses and Yoga III, Yoga package,
The Nursing Journal of India, Nov. Vol.LXXX No.11 Pg. 287
10.Walia,. I.J.; Mehra,P.; Earnest, C,; Verma, S.K.; Grover, P.; Sanjeev Gupta,V.;
Kaur S (1989): Effect of Yoga on the Health of Nurses – Depression.
Published by Dept. of Psychology, Govt. Medical College, Patiala.
11. Prabhakar S.K.V.; Chopra J.S., Verma, S.K.; Grover, P. (1989)
Failure to Complete Treatment of Psychogenic Headache.
P.G.I. Bulletin. 23(4) 197-204.
12. Prabhakar S., Chopra J.S.; Verma S.K.; Grover. P. (1989)
Clinical and Socio Demographic Characteristics of Psychogenic Headache.
Journal of Pesonality and clinical Studies, Vol.5.
13. Grover, P. Verma, V.K.; Pershad D. (1987): Relationship between the patient’s
Attitude towards yoga and the treatment outcome.
Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 29(3) 253.
14. Grover, P. Verma V.K.; Pershad, D. and Verma, S.K. (1991)
Further Data on the PGI Yoga Attitude Scale
Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies. 7(2) 219-226.
15. Prabhakar, S.K.; Chopra, J.S.; Verma, S.K.; Grover, P. (1990)
Effectiveness of Yoga in the treatment of psychogenic headache.
Neurology India 39; 11 – 18.
16. Walia, I.; Verma, S.K.; Earnest, C.; Grover, P.; Mehra P. and Sanjeev (1992)
Health Status of Nurses and Yoga – The outcome of yoga treatment.
The Nursing Journal of India. 83(2) 27-28.
17.Walia, I.J.,; Mehra, P.; Grover, P.; Earnest, C.; Verma, S.K. and Sanjeev (1992)
Health Status of Nurses and Yoga V – Precision Matching,
Nursing Jl. of India 83(8) 209-210.
18.Walia, I.; Verma, S.K.; Earnest, C, Sanjeev; Grover, P.; Mehra, P.;Vandana (1990)
Yoga and Sress Management in Nurses,
D.E.I., Research J. of Education and Psychology 8. 1 – 4.
19.Grover, P.; Verma, V.K.; Verma, S.K.; Pershad, D. (1994)
Role of Yoga in the treatment of Psychoneurosis – current status and future indiations.
Indian Jl. Psychiatry. Vol.30 153-162.
20.Verma, V.K.; Sapru R.P., Verma, S.K.; Grover, P. et al (1997)
Effect of yoga on psychological variables in mild hypertensions.
Recent researches in Education & Psychology. 2 (3-4) 91-97.
21.Nayar,P. Yoga-Chapter 11.In Psychotherapy in a traditional society-
Context,Concept & Practice.V.K.Varma,Nitin Gupta .Jaypee Medical Publishers. 2007
22.Sudha Prasad,Yogesh Kumar ,Poonam Nayar,Saumya Prasad, Garima Sharma (2017):A
prospective study to asses the mental health and quality of life in women undergoing
assisted reproduction .
Fertility Science and Research.Vol 4.Issue 2 .July-December 2017
1.Nayar P: Workshop on “ How to deal with negative outcomes in infertility or IVF “. Held at IFS Secretariat Office ,New Delhi ,India 3.10.2019
2.Nayar,P : Workshop on “ Stress Management And Managing Exam Stress In Students” Venue: Sarvodya Bal Vidyala, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi, 2nd to 5th July 2019.
3.Nayar P: Workshop on Stress Management at NATRESS ,
D Block, Janakpuri Institutional Area, New Delhi. March 15, 2016.
4.Nayar P.: Workshop on Stress Management , at the INGAF,Ministry of Finance,
New Delhi. February 3, 2012:
5.Nayar P.: Training in Counselling Skills, at Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences. Bhuvneshvar, Orissa. 1st to 3rd Sep 2011.
6.Nayar P.: Workshop on Stress Management and Time Management
The executives of Bharati Cellular Enterprise, Pitampura. May 2010
7. Workshops- DPS School life skill education for adolescence:
Participated in program of primary prevention in mental health .The workshops focused on senior school students, conducting regular ongoing workshops on life skill education for adolescence , HIV/Drugs awareness , media literacy, high risk taking behaviors. The training for conducting the workshops was given by the DPS Society in collaboration with UNODC and VIMHANS.
Stress and its management, conducted for teachers of DPS Sri Nagar. held at School Auditorium, DPS Dwarka
Study Skills Workshop for a Delegation of 25 students and 5 teachers from Singapore held at School Auditorium,DPS Dwarka
Handling Behavioural Difficultiies in school students. An interactive workshop held at the School Auditorium, DPS Dwarka. This was part of orientation program for teachers of DPS, New Town, Kolkatta
Attended ESHRE Webinar series “Psychology and Counseling”.
Webinar 1. Supporting patient’s decision for fertility preservation (05.03.2021)
Webinar 2. Breaking bad news (29.04.2021)
Speaker Webinar organized by DocMode “:Counseling in ART “ (20.01.2021 )
Selected as a REVIEWER for Research Publications by the International Journal of Yoga Published by SVASYA, Bangalore ,Feb.2012- till Date
Have been CONDUCTING ORIENTATION PROGRAM for Parents of Primary School every year at MDH International School since 2010-till Date.
MEMBER OF THE ADVISORY BOARD of Psychological Services-Cum-Training Centre Applied Psychology Unit, University of Delhi, South Campus from October, 1990 to April, 1993. I had played a key role in starting the Centre. This Centre provided diagnostic services and treatment to patients to suffering from psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders. The treatment approach incorporated yoga therapy and psychotherapy. I worked as a Clinical Psychologist. This was voluntary work over and above my regular teaching job.
MEMBER OF ADVISORY BOARD of Family Studies and Counseling Centre run by All India Women’s Conference in collaboration with Women’s Studies and Development Centre, University of Delhi, North Campus, from September, 1992 to April, 1993.
I participated as subject expert in making educational film on “EXPLORING EMOTIONS” made by Audio-Visual Research Centre, University of Kashmir, University Campus, Hazratbal, Srinagar in March, 1993. This was screened by U.G.C. in July, 1993