COVID-19 Guidelines and Recommendations

Strictly followed at Best IVF Centre, New Delhi, by the staff for the benefits of the patient.
The most trusted IVF Centre,have changed since then. It is mandatory to consult the latest guidelines from the IVF Centre such as health authorities or professional staff. However, we can provide you with some COVID-19 Guidelines and precautions that were commonly advised for our safety during the COVID-19 pandemic:


Our IVF clinic may implement pre-screening measures for patients and staff, including temperature checks and symptom assessments. Patients may be asked about recent travel history and potential exposure to COVID-19.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Our IVF center may require patients and staff to wear appropriate PPE, such as face masks, gloves, and sometimes face shields, during their visits to the clinic.

Physical Distancing:

It measures to maintain physical distancing may be implemented in waiting areas and common areas of our IVF clinic. This could include rearranging seating to ensure adequate spacing between individuals and limiting the count of people present in our IVF Centre at any given time.

Enhanced Sanitization:

Our IVF clinic may increase the frequency and intensity of cleaning and disinfection protocols, paying special attention to high-touch surfaces. Hand sanitizing stations may be made available throughout the IVF clinic.

Telemedicine and Remote Consultations:

To minimize in-person interactions, IVF clinic may offer telemedicine or remote consultations for non-essential appointments or discussions. This allows patients to communicate with their healthcare providers without having to physically visit the IVF clinic.

COVID-19 Testing:

Our IVF clinic may require COVID-19 testing for our patients and staff before certain procedures or treatments to minimize the risk of transmission. This could include PCR or rapid antigen tests.

Visitor Restrictions:

To reduce the crowd of people in the clinic, restrictions on visitors or support persons may be implemented. Only the patient undergoing treatment may be allowed inside the clinic, with exceptions made for specific circumstances. You can visit the virtual tour section on the site .

Education and Communication:

Our IVF clinic may provide educational materials and guidance to patients regarding COVID-19 precautions, self-monitoring, and reporting any symptoms or exposure.

These are the general guidelines for COVID-19 , and it’s important to check with our specific
IVF clinic for their updated protocols and instructions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Akanksha IVF, the best IVF clinic will have the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the precautions and safety measures in place to protect patients and staff.

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The top ten centres in India with high success rate include Best IVF Centre. The greatest IVF treatment facility is located in Delhi. The principal Consultant is Dr. K D Nayar, President of the Indian Fertility Society. It has received recognition as India's most trusted IVF centre.